Monday 12 March 2018

Vipera berus

This blog has been rather taken over by foxes, deer and sparrowhawks recently so it is time we had something different.  Given that they are cold-blooded, I am always surprised how early in the season the adders emerge.  I went up to see them a few days ago, just after sunrise.  There was snow on the ground and an air temperature of 1℃ and yet they were already out catching the first rays of sunshine to warm them up.  Most of those I saw were fairly big but because they have not yet shed their skins it is less easy to tell males from females.

This one is showing its forked tongue.

I only once saw two together, as the smaller one in this picture slithered by the larger one.

It settled down about a metre away.

The larger one had looked up but settled back to basking.

Although they look fierce (I think it is that red eye) adders are shy so I took care not to get too close so as to disturb them.  Even though they didn't do much apart from shift their coils occasionally it was a thrill to see them again.

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