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Saturday, 7 September 2019

A walk round the pond - Week 36

Suddenly it is autumn, and it feels like it.  The weather hasn't been a very insect-friendly this week but some of them were out and about.  Migrant hawkers (Aeshna mixta) aren't migrants at all (although they were a long time ago when given the name).  In Ireland they are known as autumn hawkers, which is a much better name.  The few I saw were mostly at rest, low down to keep out of the breeze and try to catch a bit of sun, with only one on patrol.

The only other dragonflies around were common and ruddy darters, also sheltering from the wind.  This is a male ruddy darter.

The damselflies didn't even try flying in the strong breeze.

Butterflies are surprisingly strong fliers, even in windy weather.  Amongst others I saw common blue,

speckled wood,

and small tortoiseshell.

This queen common carder bee was fattening up but will soon be hibernating.

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