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Saturday, 28 September 2019

A walk round the pond - Week 39

It has been a pretty unsettled week, so not very good weather for dragonflies.  I didn't get to the pond until this afternoon and didn't expect to see much as there was a strong cool breeze.  In fact there were a dozen or so male migrant hawkers making the most of a bit of sunshine after days of rain.  They were either hunting or sunbathing low down out of the wind.  I think most were staying away from the water because of the breeze, and the fact that they didn't expect many females to be there.

I found a couple of favoured sunbathing spots.

No damselflies this week and only a few common darters, also sheltering from the breeze..

And another change from all the blue, a red admiral.

Next week's weather forecast looks slightly better but definitely autumnal.

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