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Tuesday, 19 July 2022

Fox News

Three years ago
there were five cubs in the garden every evening, two years ago there were two, and  last year there were between 7 and 10 from two litters within the same family, although I couldn't get them all in one photo.  This year I have only seen one cub once, and that was over two weeks ago.  It ran in when the alpha male was here and was immediately body-blocking its father, although he didn't seem to mind.

After he left the cub fed on its own for about 10 minutes but it ran off when a yearling appeared and I haven't seen it since.

The dog fox is here every evening, often at about 10.15 (he's usually very punctual).

The only other foxes I see are three yearlings, presumably all vixens.  They adopt a submissive posture if the dog is already here and he often lies down as well in greeting.

The yearlings occasionally feed together but usually alone.

They often give each other space and sometimes lie down in the meadow to wait their turn at the food.

I haven't seen the alpha vixen for several weeks.  She has now had three litters here so that may be the end of her time.  If she doesn't return I shall miss her as she was very distinctive and quite a character.

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