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Saturday, 9 July 2022

Youngsters on CulvertCam

The culvert camera is set mainly to keep an eye on the otter(s) but does detect all sorts of other visitors.  At this time of year they often include youngsters.  The first video shows a mallard and two ducklings (quite a small number for a duck).  The ducklings don't fancy the ramp and return down the pipe.  After calling them the mother gives up and flies back over the top to meet them back on this side.  The video has to peer through a spider's web over the lens.

On another occasion the ducklings were hesitant about going up the ramp but presumably did make it up as the camera didn't record their return.  They did come back early the next morning. By the time the camera is triggered mother and one duckling are already half way down the culvert but the other one lags behind and drops over the edge of the sluice gate as it hurries to catch up.

Water rails are often recorded on the culvert camera, more frequently than otters.  On this occasion one appeared with three small black chicks.  One chick disappeared round the far end and the other two followed mother back past the camera.  Six minutes later one chick is seen running up and down, trying to find where the others have gone.

I can't work out what the loud tapping noise is in this video as none of the visible birds seems to be making it.  Any ideas?

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