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Monday, 23 August 2021

Fox News

I have been convinced there are more cubs in the family but until now it has been impossible to get more than four in one photo.  I reckon to 
see at least six or seven foxes every evening but the cubs aren't easy to tell apart.  The adults, on the other hand, are very easy to identify.  Here they all are - left to right they are the dog, the vixen, and the two yearlings (one with half a tail which you can't see here).

Then last week as I was watching three cubs and the half-tail yearling a fourth cub entered front left, and moments later another from back right.  Here are the five cubs.

And this is the moment the fifth cub appeared.

So now I know there are at least five but I still think it may be more.  Some are smaller than others and some are paler. As they come and go it is usually impossible to keep track of them all.

A couple of the male cubs and now larger than their mother and their older half sisters.  Things are getting more competitive as they mature and try to establish the dominance hierarchy, although they quickly settle down and return to feeding.  Here is one recent example.

The screaming cubs sound a bit like chimpanzees in a David Attenborough programme.  It is interesting how unconcerned the others are while the row is going on.

1 comment:

  1. Those screaming match cubs certainly do sound a lot like chimpanzees. So much body language going on as well. The one cub is wagging it's tail fast and furiously. Must be lower in the pecking order. They are all adorable!
