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Friday, 13 August 2021

A hedgehog in the garden

I haven't seen a hedgehog in the garden for five years, until this past few days.  The latest one was first picked up on the trail camera, first in daytime and then at night.

I was a bit concerned because hedgehogs don't normally come out in the day and it can be a sign of sickness.  But at this time of year newly independent youngsters sometime forage in daylight because they are hungry, and the weather has been very dry which doesn't help.  This one is small but seems quite sprightly.  The first time I saw the hedgehog myself was when it turned up while I was waiting for the foxes.  And while I was watching, the half-tailed yearling vixen turned up.  (You can hear in the background that the oystercatchers are still around.)

I would have thought the vixen had seen a hedgehog before but the hedgehog may not have encountered a fox.  The younger foxes are interested in the hedgehog but only out of curiosity - they sniff it and move on.  The older vixen just ignores it.

Last night the hedgehog was here first and was eating the fox food.  It had some peanuts and two small bits of chicken skin before wandering off across the meadow.  The first fox cub to arrive just stood and watched and didn't seem to know what to make of it.  Later the hedgehog walked by, unconcerned by four foxes watching it as they were eating.

Then the hedgehog appeared outside the kitchen window less than an hour ago.  This is the first time I have seen it in daylight and I was able to get quite close.  It seems healthy and vigorous and was again foraging under the bird feeders so for the moment I think I shall just keep and eye on it.  It won't be easy leaving extra food for it as the foxes would probably just eat that as well as theirs.

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