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Friday, 20 August 2021

Yet more moths

I don't plan to post a photo of every moth I catch in the moth trap but I would like to show a few more.  I set the trap in July and caught at least 30 species that I could identify.  Since then I have set the trap on two more nights in July catching a further 20 and eight species respectively and twice so far in August with another four and seven species. That's around 70 species that I can recognise and probably at least another dozen that I haven't worked out.  Here are a few of my recent favourites.

Large emerald


Flame Carpet

White Satin Moth, with amazing antennae

Clouded Border


Shaded Broad-bar

Buff-tip, looking like a broken twig

Grey Dagger


Lime-speck pug

Orange Swift


And the moth with the longest name so far, a Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing.

I am deliberately avoiding micro moths but some are very striking.  This one caught my eye - an Oak Longhorned.

It takes only a few minutes to set up the trap but then and hour or two to unload it and photograph the catch and several more hours to try to identify them.  I'll try a few more nights this season before deciding how seriously to take it next year.


  1. This is just terrific Chris, and very tempting indeed... the pleasure of identifying an unknown organism is very real, gives me a dopamine hit at least!

  2. These are stunning Chris, for most people moths are an underrated and unknown species. I have previously only seen one of this collection.
