Sunday 2 August 2020

Fox and cubs

Last night was the first time I have seen two cubs together this year.  Mother and the short-tailed cub were here as usual when I spotted another fox sitting in the shadows.  It was a second cub and although it moved into the light it didn't come for food.  I managed only these three photos before the vixen moved off, taking the second cub with her.

The short-tailed cub is here every night and prefers it when it has the food to itself.

The dog fox is now fairly intolerant of the cub, which is learning to keep its distance.  The dog had been in the wars again this night but as the injury is on his shoulder it might be just a scratch rather than a bite.

The cub does still try to creep in for some food

but is likely to get snapped at.

The father's tail is a warning.

The cub's tail tries to respond but half of it is missing.

The vixen turned up a few minutes later.  Her posture (low, ears flattened, lashing tail) is very submissive.  The video is a bit amateurish but it does show the interactions between them.  There is no sound because of the double glazing (and the radio was on in the kitchen!).

The foxes usually turn up after dark but are sometimes earlier.  The vixen is usually here first.  Here she is seen from the kitchen window by the iPhone, with my attempt at a meadow and the copse in the background.

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