I saw the male kestrel again very early one morning. Twice he dived down to the lawn to catch something which I think was probably a worm. Although their main prey is small mammals, kestrels eat other things including small birds, insects and worms.

A pair of jays are in the garden every day. They are the prettiest crows and are great opportunists. This one was standing under the peanut feeder while a woodpecker was feeding, waiting to catch the bits as they fell.

Jackdaws also come down to the feeders and stand underneath.

Jackdaws are more agile than jays and can get onto the feeders themselves.
I also have a woodpecker feeder which has holes filled with suet.
It also attracts other birds.
And you-know-who is still around, keeping them all on their toes.
There were lots of other birds I didn't take photos of - all the usual suspects plus reed bunting and green woodpecker. The only disappointment is that my camera nest box is unoccupied for the first time since it was put up in 2009. I have modified it slightly to move the camera so that it can see the whole floor and the entrance hole so it would have given good pictures. Maybe next year.
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