Monday 1 July 2019

Fox News

It just gets better.  I saw one cub two weeks ago and then a few days later there were two who have turned up every night since.  This time I was watching one cub outside the back door when it suddenly became alert and raced across the garden.  It ran to greet the father and with him were two more cubs and they all came over to the back door.  To start with the dog fox was in the way so I couldn't get a clear view of the three cubs.  Here is the proud father.

After a while he trotted off and left them to it.

Occasionally there was a bit of pushing and shoving but mostly they just got on with eating.  I don't know what sex they are but one is slightly smaller and darker than the other two - the one who wasn't wrestling.  All three have black mark a third of the way down their tails.

The little one got bored (or full) after a while and went to play in the long grass, leaving the other two chewing.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are now providing a child minding service, Christopher! Their dad is no fool. A wonderful treat to see them and I do appreciate your postings.
