Wednesday 8 May 2019

OtterCam in black & white

A few more recent otter pictures, this time recorded after dark using infrared video cameras.  These days I usually record only video and take one or two frame grabs from the video.  The otters here are a bit too close the the camera and slightly out of focus so the frame grabs aren't very clear.  I have continued to experiment with back lighting and I think it is working well.  Normally the light fades off very quickly with distance so the background is very dark.  I use a small 12V infrared LED with a rechargeable battery and leave it switched on.  It then comes on when night falls and stays on until the battery runs down.

I now have two battery LEDs so I can record on consecutive nights but I haven't yet tried them both together.  The videos work well, although they are less clear than in the daytime, but I think I need to get the cameras slightly farther back from the otters.

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