Here is someone who is less than 100% vegetarian but is putting on a good show. Foxes will eat almost anything. I first found them taking apples left out for the birds last winter and recently noticed again.
Here the fox will take apples, peanuts, dog food, eggs, almost anything I leave out for it. I previously posted photos of the fox with grey squirrel, wood pigeon, or squirrel and stock dove. Its favourite is a whole squirrel or rabbit, which I don't have very often. The photo and brief video clip below, which I haven't posted before, are from last summer. If you are 100% vegetarian I hope they don't put you off your dinner. And, as if that isn't bad enough, they are followed by video clips of a fox running off with a squirrel (while the hedgehog keeps its head down), and another struggling to take away two rabbits at the same time, determined not to leave one for anyone else. Bon appetit.
Had to smile at the fox attempting to make off with two large rabbit bodies at once. My mother would have called it 'a lazy man's load'.