Wednesday 24 June 2020

The vixen

This is the vixen who visits the garden every night.  She is often here first and gets to eat any tasty treats that are a bit more exciting than just dog biscuits.  She is on alert as she approaches the food, mainly concerned about other foxes or late dog-walkers rather than being near the house.

Here the dog has arrived.  She greeted him with a snarl to discourage him from getting too close.  Note the tail curl which means don't even think about stealing my dinner.

Here the two of them are observing social distancing, filmed through the kitchen window on my iPhone.  The vixen is on the right.

Even though she can't see me the vixen is much more likely to look towards the camera, something the dog rarely does.  Perhaps she just likes having her photo taken.

Her cubs will be weaned by now but I haven't yet seen one in the garden.  I hope they will be here soon.


  1. Beautiful animals! I like your translation of the tail curl body language. A bit like a human eating with one arm curled around his/her plate of food. 'Gerroff'! Really enjoyed those photos! As always, thanks for sharing them.

    1. They are fun to watch at this time of year Florence. At 55° North the sun doesn't set until just before 10pm so the foxes often turn up in reasonably good light.
