Sunday 28 June 2020

Fox cubs amongst the foxgloves

This will probably be the last current post from the fox cub trail camera.  The cubs are spending less and less time near the den as they wander farther afield.  The parents show up on the camera only briefly as they trot past bringing a vole or some other tasty treat for the cubs.  And the vegetation is getting taller which makes it harder to find a position where the camera can get a clear view.  To tempt the cubs to linger in front of the camera I left a few treats.  Here a cub is realising how much it likes biscuits, and anxiously looking round in case another cub turns up.

When there is more food than it can cope with in one go it collects it up and takes it off to hide it, behaviour known as caching, in the hope that none of the others will find it.

This last clip is the only time in the last couple of weeks I have seen two cubs together, and even then they were keeping 2m apart!


  1. I wonder if they detect your scent on those biscuits and make a connection. The cubs certainly love the treats and we enjoy watching them as they grow. Beautiful scenes!

    1. I don't think they do Florence as I scoop the biscuits straight into a container and tip them out directly. I think the animals do get my scent from the cameras as I usually try to get the cameras low down, for otters especially. When the otter sniffs the camera I like to think it is checking that it was me.
