Monday 10 June 2019

Through the kitchen window

Now that it doesn't get dark until after 10 pm it is more difficult putting food out for the foxes.  If I do it too early it will be pilfered by magpies but too late and the fox gets there before me.  A few weeks ago the first to turn up was usually a dog fox but lately it has been a vixen, probably because she has cubs to feed.  Sometimes she turns up well before dark and checks for food that has fallen from the bird feeders before I put out the peanuts.  I think she knows I am watching.


  1. Lovely to see that hard working mother. On the rare occasions I glimpse a fox near my house they seem to be hurrying along on very urgent business.

    1. The vixen is still very wary, Florence but the dog fox is a bit more confident. He was here for his breakfast just now, at 8am in broad daylight.
