Friday 14 June 2019

Gaining confidence

The dog fox is getting bolder, or hungrier, or perhaps both.  He turned up for breakfast at 8am yesterday after it had rained heavily all night.  There was no-one about on the golf course or walking dogs and he probably felt a bit safer to be out and about.  He had a snack under the bird feeder before moving on.

He was back just over 12 hours later.  I had put out a bit of dog food as well as the usual peanuts and I think he must have been watching because he came over straight away.

I still had the back door open as you can see from these shaky hand-held videos.  He was as close as 2m.

In the second clip he realises he has eaten all the meaty bits and settles for peanuts.  He looks a bit greyer on the video than in real life, probably because he was soaking wet and because the little Panasonic TZ90 struggles a bit in the low light.

He must have known I was there but so was the food.

He was back again at lunchtime today, again in pouring rain.  I think he's now expecting me to provide three meals a day.


  1. He's making good progress in training you, Christopher! No doubt his super hearing keeps a pretty accurate tab on your exact whereabouts. The three light patches on his right hind leg (and his bold personality) make him easy to identify.

    1. There is also a round red patch above his knee Florence but he doesn't have similar markings on the other side. However, he tends to move around a lot and I am getting to recognise him fairly easily. The others are not so easy.
