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Monday, 4 June 2018

Broad-bodied chasers

I have enjoyed seeing broad-bodied chasers (Libellula depressa) on my local pond in the past couple of weeks but I have yet to see a mature male there.  Immature males have a similar yellow colouring to the female but when mature they have beautiful matt powder blue colour, known as pruinescence.  I saw these at Potterick Carr, a Yorkshire Wildlife Trust reserve just south of Doncaster.

I have seen females elsewhere as well.  The first was a rather shy individual near Northampton.

I saw my first two broad-bodied chasers on just one occasion on the local pond last year.  This year there have been more and I have seen them on every visit over the past two weeks.  With luck the site will suit them (I don't think they are fussy) and their numbers will increase.  I'll be looking out for a blue male this week.

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