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Thursday, 22 October 2015

Leaping salmon at Hexham weir

It is just over a year since I first saw the salmon jumping up Hexham weir on the River Tyne.  There has been very little rain in recent weeks so the river level has been very low and the fish have struggled to get upstream.  A release of water from Kielder Water over the past few days has raised the river a little so the fish are having a go, although it still isn't easy for them.

It is fun when two or three jump together.  It seems that they all have a go together and then things quieten down for a few minutes before they have another go.

The different colours of the fish are amazing.  Last year I posted this link to the Atlantic Salmon Trust showing the significance of the colours but it is worth doing so again.  I think some of the silver fish are probably sea trout but Phil will put me right.

Construction of a fish pass alongside the weir is nearing completion.  It will make life easier for the fish but may diminish the spectacle so if you are nearby be sure to see it while you can.   

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