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Monday, 10 March 2025

The crow is outsmarted

Crows are pretty smart but this one wasn't quite as clever as it thought.  A carrion crow appeared on OtterCam with a piece of dried bread.  It dunked it in the water to soften it (clever) and ate half.

It decided to hide the rest for later (also clever) and then flew away.

However, later that night a wood mouse found and ate the bread - although the camera didn't trigger as the mouse stole the bread the evidence is pretty damning.

The following afternoon the crow returned for the bread but couldn't find it.

I see some interesting things as non-target captures on trail camera but this is one of the best. The video is a bit longer than usual but is worth a watch.

Crows have deserved reputation for intelligence but don't always get the upper hand.  Aesop's fable The Crow and the Pitcher shows how smart they can be but in The Fox and the Crow it was the fox who came out on top.  As far as I know Aesop didn't write about The Crow and the Wood Mouse.

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