Monday, 3 March 2025

Dinner time on OtterCam

If you listen carefully to this first video, after the mother whistles she makes a low-pitched cat-like mewing sound that I haven't heard before.  It must be to encourage the cub to come and take the fish.  Two minutes later the cub appeared on an adjacent camera with the (now dead) fish and played with it in the water for a few moments before bringing it out to eat.

The next otter didn't lack ambition but its stalking skills weren't what they might be.  The white blob on the second camera is a water drop on the rain hood.

The little old bridge is a very popular spot with the otters.  They enjoy rolling on it and may visit several times in 24 hours.  Even though I have five cameras in position the otters are quite close and rarely sit in the right place so piecing together the video clips into something coherent is a challenge.  Here is my attempt with a sequence of the cubs fighting and the mother trying not to get involved.

The cubs are now as big as their mother and I suspect that both might be male.  It is about time they started catching their own dinner.