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Monday, 3 February 2025

The cubs investigate OtterCam

For the past week I have been experimenting with a new camera position and it has already turned out to be very exciting.  On the first, rather misty night there was one camera in position and the otters obviously found it quite intriguing.  Fortunately no damage was done although it was knocked slightly out of position.

The next night the camera was still pointing down but one of the cubs came and rolled around right next to it.

After this I put in a second camera and the first cub came to have look at both, again on a wet misty night.  It was having a drink of water through a hole in the bridge when mum turned up.

On the next night the dog otter came to have a look.  At first he didn't like it at all and went straight back into the water but seconds later he was feeling a bit braver and came back for a second and closer look.

The last video is the only daytime recording so far.  The cameras must look a lot more scary in daylight as neither of the cubs nor their mother wanted to get close this time.

The otters' reaction to the cameras is interesting to compare with foxes (which turn away as soon as they see one) and badgers (which don't notice the light but 
usually don't like my scent). It is also interesting to see how the otters are curious at night, when they can only see the red light but very wary in the day when they can see the cameras.  I hope they will just get used to the cameras being here and I hope to have more videos from this new position soon.

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