Monday, 24 February 2025

Frolics on OtterCam

It looks as though the otters have completely taken over the blog, for now at least.  I am still refining the camera positions each time to try to cover as much of the action as possible.  I have four cameras on the old boardwalk bridge and the otters are triggering about 150 videos a week, mostly in daylight.  That's over two hours of videos clips to sort through - after sifting out all the moorhen, water rail, heron and wood mouse pictures.  Most recordings don't get edited into a brief story but the best do.  Here is the family, close together for once.

At other times the cubs lag behind and mother has to wait for them.  I expect the second one is the cub that got lost a few weeks ago.  I can't tell if it always the same one dawdling.

The cubs are now over seven months old and fairly well grown but they spend a lot of their time playing and 
still seem to expect their food to be caught for them.  Here is a taste of what they get up to when the cameras are watching.

The dog otter hasn't been around for the past week or so - I expect he's on patrol somewhere else in his territory.  More otter news soon.

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