Friday 14 June 2024

Ten years of blogging

I'm not one for birthdays or anniversaries or big round numbers but I did notice that today it is 10 years since my first post on this blog.  
That was on great spotted woodpeckers feeding their young, a subject that has been repeated several times at this time of year.  To come full circle the young woodpeckers have once again appeared outside my kitchen window this week so here are a couple of photos taken through the kitchen window yesterday.

In the last ten years there have been over 1500 posts on this blog but it isn't possible to say how many views or readers.  In 2017 the blog was targeted by French spambots and something similar has been happening over the past year, although this time I can't tell the source.  Blogger removes all the spam so I never see it, but strangely it still counts all the "views".  The real readership is about 2500 views a month so it is probable that there have been about 300,000 real views rather than the 425,000+ that Blogger lists.  Still quite a big number.  I hope I'll be able to complete another 10 years, probably always with woodpeckers in the second week of June.

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