Monday 3 June 2024

First moths of the year

This was the first time I have set up the moth trap this year.  Previously it has been in the corner of the walled flower garden, just over the wall from the golf course.  This time it was 50m away, at the edge of the meadow and close to the copse, so a slightly different environment.

There weren't many moths but they included some real beauties.  New to me was this Pebble Prominent.

This is one I have seen before, a Common Swift.

Another star was a White Ermine.

It has these amazing colours underneath.  I wonder why as they are hidden and it lives mostly in the dark.

Another new one was a Buff Ermine.  I didn't get to see what colour this one is underneath.

And one of my favourites, a Poplar Hawk-moth.

When I tried to move it for a better photo it got a firm hold of my finger and wouldn't let go.  I could feel the tiny claws on its feet.

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