Sunday 10 March 2024

Fox News

I have seen very little of the foxes over the winter, partly because I probably spend less time watching for them but mostly because they don't often turn up before I have gone to bed.  I am still putting out food regularly and it is almost always taken.  There is also a rabbit in the garden so I am keen that the foxes turn up regularly, hoping that one of them might even catch its own dinner.

Last night I was lucky and this fox arrived at about 9pm.  It is a puzzle, however, as it isn't one I have seen before.  It knew exactly where the food was and I could see at once that it is pregnant, so a vixen, but the one I thought was the new alpha female last November had a bright white tail tag, long black socks, and was very dark around the eyes.  This one is paler and has a small dark grey tail tag and shorter socks.

Assuming this is a new resident vixen, she is the third in a year on the patch and the fourth in 18 months (that sounds a bit like Prime Ministers!).  It looks as though her cubs will be born soon but it will be a few months before they are old enough to visit the garden.

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