Saturday 14 October 2023

Ivy flowers

Ivy is one of the last plants to flower and provides a welcome resource for late season insects. The ivy in my garden is now providing nectar and pollen to a wide variety of insects.  I first noticed a lot of pollen being brought into the hives and when I went into the copse I found honey bees,




crane flies,

and ladybirds, mostly harlequins,

and one cream-spot ladybird.  Until now I didn't know that ladybirds would eat pollen.

Ivy nectar is rich in sugar, 49% w/w, and the pollen has a high level of amino acids.  The ivy will probably provide nectar and pollen until at least the end of this month.  Later the berries will be eaten by thrushes, blackcaps, wood pigeons and other birds.

1 comment:

  1. This was the post I was going to write 😀 The ivy on our site was literally buzzing today too. With most of what you saw but no crane flies for me! Such a great looking flower and excellent photos.
