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Thursday, 16 March 2023

Otters in early morning

The cubs are now nearly as big as their mother.  These pictures are from last weekend when there was a short freeze and a thin layer of ice.  Mother otter and her two cubs appeared in the early morning and played at the water's edge for a couple of minutes.  As luck would have it I had moved two cameras to another nearby site (more news soon) and the light was difficult for this camera, looking straight into the reflection off the ice.

The second camera was looking the other way and because it had less light it was still in night mode (infrared and therefore black & white) so I can't edit the two videos together.  Also, as you'll see, the otters were a bit too close and too low.  Still, it's worth a look.

A couple of hours earlier they had visited the same spot.  As ever, one cub was lagging behind and the other two had to wait for it.  There is a good view of the smaller cub swimming under the ice.

I have my fingers crossed that the other cameras will turn up trumps.  I hope to have more news soon.

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