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Monday, 12 December 2022

Sparrowhawk news

It is hard to believe I have gone over a year without writing a post about sparrowhawks.  The current bird is a real nuisance because he won't sit on the sparrowhawk perch in the kitchen garden as the others have done over the past five winters.  This one visits the garden every day but mostly hunts around the feeders outside the kitchen window.  I have put in a post for him to sit on but it is a much more open situation so he rarely stops for more than a few seconds (after an unsuccessful strike) so he isn't easy to photograph.

He will more often sit up in the branches when it is even more difficult get a photo.

When the oak tree fell on the house in Storm Arwen a year ago the sparrowhawk then (perhaps the same one) would sit right outside the kitchen window, only a metre or two away.

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