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Tuesday, 27 December 2022

End of year review - Video 2

This was a new target for the trail camera, one I came across by accident.  I was recording an otter hunting for frogs and the camera repeatedly had what appeared at first to be false triggers. When I looked closely there was a tiny water shrew swimming through the edge of the picture.  I found where the burrow / nest was and set up another camera with a close-focus lens to watch the shrew.  There were lots of fascinating recordings including this one of the water shrew eating its prey in its larder.  Food-caching behaviour in water shrews was known about but this video may be the first time it was recorded.  Ever.  Anywhere.  Amazing.

1 comment:

  1. "this video may be the first time it was recorded. Ever. Anywhere. " Goodness me! The Facebook Mammals page will have gone wild! Very many congrats on your technical expertise.
