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Saturday, 2 November 2019

The next target

I expect like me you watched the recent BBC Natural World programme on weasels and stoats.  (If not, it is available in the UK on the BBC iPlayer here.)  Much of it was filmed in the garden of Robert Fuller, a wildlife artist in Yorkshire.  The programme was unnecessarily padded out with American pseudoscience on honey badgers and wolverines but the video from Robert's garden was very inspiring.  I have since come across his blog which you can read here.

These are not recent photos but are the only two half-decent pictures I have ever taken of a weasel.

Badgers, foxes and otters aren't so difficult with the trail cameras but I am now trying to work out how to get a stoat or weasel video.  Both are seen occasionally in my garden but only for a few seconds.  I think this will be my next main challenge.  I once got a brief view of a weasel carrying a vole, probably a bank vole, when I was trying for otters three years ago.  It was filmed on my first Bushnell trail camera so the quality isn't as good as the new cameras.  I haven't posted it before so here is the clip.

I don't think I ever got a good shot of a stoat.  This is the only one I can find, one of three very shy youngsters I met this summer.  They were too quick for me.

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