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Saturday, 19 January 2019

Bird of the week - black redstart

The black redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros) is about the same size and shape as a (European) robin.  This one is either a female or a first winter male and has been in Tynemouth for several days.

Black redstarts are rare breeders in this country, often using urban or industrial sites.

Numbers are swelled by winter visitors.

Although black redstart is red listed in the UK numbers are increasing in the North East.

Thomas Bewick didn't include the black redstart in A History of British Birds (1797) although it was first described in 1774 in Germany.  Perhaps it was a very rare bird in Bewick's day.  It was included in William Yarrell's 1843 book of the same name with this engraving by John Thompson - not a great likeness as the head is too small, making it look more like a blackbird.  Perhaps Bewick would have done better.

Archibald Thorburn did paint several pictures of black redstarts, all adult males.

Many thanks to Dave J for the tip-off.  You can listen to Bill Oddie's BBC Radio 4 Tweet of the Day here.  And watch a super BTO video on redstart identification here.

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