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Friday, 18 January 2019

A new experience

Yesterday brought the first snow of the winter.  As the sparrowhawk is only a few months old it was the first time he had seen it.  He had already had his breakfast (a blue tit).

and was wondering about a second helping when it started to snow.

After a few minutes he moved up to the perch, unusual for him as he spends a lot of time on the ground, but it made the photos a bit more interesting.  Autofocus doesn't work in the snow (the camera keeps trying to focus on snowflakes) so I have to focus manually and the snow was wetting the window so the photos are less clear.

I wondered if the snow would make his prey easier for him to see but they were all keeping a low profile and I didn't see him make a strike while it was falling.  Once it stopped he was back on high alert.

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