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Tuesday, 31 December 2024

End of year favourites - Otters

I could have put on otter videos for every one of my end of year favourites as there have been so many quality recordings.  The previous cubs were last seen with their mother in May, at which time she was looking very frisky, and my guess is that the next cubs were born in July.  When they first appeared on camera in October they were probably only three months old but they have grown quickly.

Spoilt for choice, I have chosen two recent videos of the new cubs.  The first is from early November - the mother came out of the water to leave a scent mark and went back in but stayed close by.  The cubs were a few seconds behind and very keen to explore rather than catch her up.  They seem happy to trail farther behind than I have seen before, perhaps showing an independent streak already.

A shorter video from early December  showed the family on the move.  I think this set of cubs has been showing more in daylight than previously so I hope that continues.

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