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Monday, 4 November 2024

News from OtterCam

There is a lag between the trail cameras recording and me retrieving, editing and posting the videos. The first view of the new cubs that I posted last week was recorded on 23rd October.  At that stage the cubs looked very small and rather slow and unsteady when walking but they grow up fast.  This latest recording is from 29th October, so only six days later, and they are already bigger and faster, but still curious.

The dog otter is a regular presence, coming by the camera at least two or three times a week. My guess is that he is the father of the cubs but he takes no part in their upbringing and probably has little or no contact with them, other than through scent-marking.  The cameras are in a very damp environment and get misted up from time to time.  I took one home to dry out so for one short period I had only one camera in position and it was just my luck that the dog came to roll around just where the main camera would normally have been.

The next time I was better set up.  This time he came out of the water to leave a scent mark and went straight back in.  Within a few seconds he was out again for a bit of rolling and grooming before heading up the bank.

The activity on the otter trail cameras is good news as there hasn't been a weasel in my garden for over three weeks and the water shrew disappeared a month ago.  More otter news soon, I hope.

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