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Tuesday, 10 January 2023

News from OtterCam

The otter cameras have been picking up only a solo otter in the past few weeks and then only occasionally.  There has been no sign of a cub so I fear the one we saw previously didn't survive the floods or the big freeze in December.  Because I generally can't tell one lone otter from another I don't know if this one is a resident or a new arrival but it seems to know it is being watched.  The otters are usually aware of my cameras, even in daylight when they are simply recording and not shining infrared light.

Otters very often sniff the cameras as they pass but don't seem to be put off.  Perhaps they are used to my scent.

This is the latest sighting and again the otter came to sniff the camera.  There was a third camera watching but its lens was misted up.  Fortunately these two covered the action.

And here's a bonus.  Another fox video which was retrieved just too late to make my previous OtterCam post.  Foxes are very wary of the cameras in the dark, perhaps because they can see the faint red light, but they take no notice in daylight.

And another bonus.  A brief sighting of a high-speed weasel (a distant cousin of the otter) so I have added a slow motion replay.

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