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Saturday, 26 November 2022

More from KingfisherCam

I see the kingfisher quite regularly when I go about checking the other trail cameras set for otters.  I also saw it one time recently when I was sitting in the hide although it was a fair way off and the light was poor.

The trail camera gets a much closer view.  The kingfisher continues to visit the stake I put in to support an otter trail camera but is coming less often and catching fewer fish, perhaps because there are fewer.  I think it is this year's bird because it still has a white tip to the beak and a trace of black on the legs.  (In a mature bird the beak tip is black and the legs and feet are pure bright orange.)

I am also pretty sure this bird is female - the orange colouring on the lower mandible isn't as extensive as some, probably because it is young, but it shows well in the right light.

In the first video the camera was aimed slightly lower than I had intended but it does mean we can see the splash.  The lens is also slightly misted up - something that happens quite often as the cameras are so close to water and the weather is cooler.

Two more videos showing successful fishing.  The first is probably the best I have had, apart from the sirens in the background.

In the last video the kingfisher sitting looking for prey but it does allow us a close look at the exquisite detail in the feathers.

One recording I don't have yet is catching a fish big enough to need bashing on the post before swallowing it - all so far have been small enough to be swallowed straight away.  However, the bird doesn't always come back to this perch after a dive so it may take bigger catches elsewhere for stunning.  Another thing I'd like to see is it regurgitate a pellet.  I'll keep the camera there while it is still visiting in the hope of capturing one or both of these.

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