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Friday, 4 February 2022

Guest appearances on OtterCam

The otters are very used to my cameras and mostly ignore them or give them a sniff as they pass.  Badgers are less keen, both on the red light and the human scent.  They often don't seem to notice if they just walk past but soon beat a retreat if they spot a camera.  Here is one investigating the otter run.  It is in complete darkness of course and sniffs its way around.

On another evening twice a badger went down the gully and retreated when it saw the bottom camera.  The second time it returned to check out the top camera.

Roe deer largely ignore the camera but sometimes take an interest, probably in the hope that it is something to eat.

Other recent non-target species have been wood mouse, brown rat, moorhen, robin, blackbird, teal and mute swan but they don't make for an interesting video.