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Friday, 31 December 2021
2021 End of year review - Day 7

Thursday, 30 December 2021
2021 End of year review - Day 6
Nearly all my trail camera subjects are mammals so I though we ought to have one that isn't. The latest sparrowhawk is reluctant to sit on my sparrowhawk perch and prefers to sit in ambush lower down, in the shelter of the blackcurrant. I can't see him well from the window so I put in a trail camera in October to see what he was up to. He doesn't do much in this video. In fact he doesn't do much a lot of the time. He needs to eat about three small birds a day and when he has done that he can take the rest of the day off and sit around, looking after his feathers and keeping out of trouble.
Wednesday, 29 December 2021
2021 End of year review - Day 5
Another multi camera otter video for the fifth end-of-year video, but this time infrared. This was the newly independent cub last January. Four cameras were looking downwards as the otter came up and one was looking back the other way at the top of the bank. The lighting is particularly good in the middle with three cameras illuminating the scene at the same time, something that has since led me to experiment with additional infrared lighting.
Tuesday, 28 December 2021
2021 End of year review - Day 4
Monday, 27 December 2021
2021 End of year review - Day 3
Sunday, 26 December 2021
2021 End of year review - Day 2
This is the second of my top seven 2021 videos. I had seen a weasel running in and out of the garden in August so I set up a trail camera on a path in the meadow. Three times in the next few days the weasel ran past carrying its prey, first a field vole, then a bank vole, and last a wood mouse. It was so fast that I first thought on the camera's small review screen that they were blank recordings. I added a 1/10 slow-motion replay to make more sense of the images.
Saturday, 25 December 2021
2021 End of year review - Day 1
Monday, 20 December 2021
OtterCam in December
(I have checked back through other recent recordings but there isn't another clear view of his left ear to tell how recent the injury is.) He left the scene stage left and two minutes later another smaller otter came out of the water, sniffed, and went up the bank. They must have been aware of each other - perhaps the smaller otter was waiting for the dog to move on before leaving the water.
Saturday, 18 December 2021
I live in hope of another visit from a weasel to the trail camera box but for the moment it is nearly all wood mice. The bank voles seem to have given up after realising there was no free food on offer but wood mice call in every night just to check. This visitor made a welcome change. Perhaps I should have called this post TrogTrogCam.
Saturday, 11 December 2021
Through the kitchen window
I could hear the crows and magpies complaining when I was standing in the kitchen this morning but I couldn't see what they were upset about. I knew it wasn't the sparrowhawk because the small birds seemed unconcerned. Then suddenly a buzzard landed right in front of me. I grabbed the nearest camera and just had time for this photo before it flew off, pursued by the corvids.
This is only the second time I have seen a buzzard in the garden, although they often fly overhead. The last time was in the very cold winter eleven years ago but that one was at the top of my tallest ash tree so there was no photo.
Buzzards are birds of moorland and farmland and are rare garden visitors, so they don't feature in the data summaries from the BTO Garden BirdWatch. The population has increased ten-fold over the last 40 years and they are now our most abundant raptors. This graph is from the BTO Bird Trends.
Saturday, 4 December 2021
An update from OtterCam
It is a couple of months since I reported on the activity on OtterCam. I have kept one camera in the culvert all the time because it is the most reliable place to see which otters are out and about, although it often doesn't show much in the way of interesting behaviour. It is also the one place that seems to be free of rats - elsewhere they can trigger dozens of recordings every night.
The one surviving cub is still with its mother but is now about 11 months old so it may be encouraged to seek its own way in the world fairly soon. In early October it was still usually close behind mother, as seen in this video.
Later in October junior was still in tow but was very distracted by something in the culvert, perhaps a strange smell.
Three hours later they returned but this time the cub was four minutes behind and was whistling loudly as it hurried to catch up. There is a jump in the video as the cub has to re-trigger the camera.
In November the cub has been consistently farther behind and doesn't appear in the same 20s video clip, but triggers the camera separately as it hurries to catch up. Here the mother is waiting and listening intently but eventually moves on, either not wanting to wait or because she can hear the cub is following.
The camera also saw a large single otter apparently fishing in the culvert on two consecutive days, although its prey is too small to be identified. My guess is that it was catching small fish. This may be a dog otter.
I will try an extra camera position soon to see if I can pick signs of the cub becoming independent.