Saturday 24 November 2018

Feeding the crows

Feeding the crows has now become a regular part of my day.  The first usually appears at around (my) breakfast time and stands on the lawn outside the kitchen window looking hungry.

If I don't notice, or don't react quickly enough it calls me by cawing loudly until I do.

When I open the back door it retreats few steps and watches while I throw out a handful of peanuts.  As soon as the door is closed it trots across to the food but will run or even fly to get there first if there are other crows around.

Then it is a case of trying to lick up as many peanuts as possible in one go.

Often there are two crows, which I assume to be a pair.

Sometimes there are four but two of them are much more wary.  They are full grown but have smaller beaks and sometimes still beg for food (and are ignored) so I think they must be this year's young.  I don't know what the crows get up to when I am not at home but they are often sitting on the roof watching and waiting when I go out and when I return.

Once it is dark and the crows have disappeared it is time to put out more peanuts for the foxes.

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